Ok, let's get to the fun stuff! I have 9 amazing Vendors who have all so graciously donated beautiful things to this giveaway! The winner for all 9 vendors items will be selected by random, using random.org, on November 20th, 2011 at 12:00 pm. Winner is responsible for contacting the vendors to claim their prizes.
How to enter:
1. Like Ashley Singh Photography and ALL participating vendors (listed bellow) on Facebook.
2. Leave some love on each vendors Facebook page thanking them for donating to the giveaway.
3. Post "Ashley Singh Photography is having a 1k fan giveaway, check it out!", along with a link to this blog post on your Facebook.
1 comment on this blog post = 1 entry. Each task is worth one entry so leave separate comments for each thing you do.
The Little Knit Lovey is offering a $25 gift certificate to her Etsy Shop.

Pumpkin Creek Hats is offering one free item from her Etsy Shop. Winner is to pay shipping.

Priss Pot Blocks is donating 3 blocks, a base & quote.
Purple Sheep Photo Props is donating this beautiful Newborn Newsboy Cap.

FromHands2Heart is donating this adorable hat in any color(s) of the winners choosing. Any size up to Toddler sized.

Hannah Mia is donating this precious headband. Winner may choose size.
Crochet Gifts is donating this too cute Mohawk Hat. It is available in the following sizes: newborn-3months, 3-6months, 6-12months, 12-24months, 3-5years, and 5 and up. It can also be ordered in any color.
Izzy Mae Stitches & Style is donating this beautiful headband. Made in the size of winners choosing.

Princess and the Pea Boutique is donating this stunning halo. Winner to choose size, Preemie to Adult.